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This dark, barren planet is home to multiple factions which battle each other for the capital.

Planetary Data[]

Geming is a planet relatively far away from the other ones in its system. However, it is the only one with conditions to bear life, even if just barely, resulting in the Gemingians, which populate a good part of the planet.

The planet is cold at most points, and with there being long mountain ranges near the planet's major continent's coast, there is hardly any rain on most of habitable land. As such, there is little to no plantife on its center, mostly being limited to areas near rivers.



The Gemingians are average-sized aliens, measuring an average 1.85m in height. They have two arms and legs, and two eyes. Most of them wear a conical hat though, which obscures their other eye.

Due to the harsh conditions of their planet, for much time they have settled near the coastal regions of the major continent, named Dalu. However, over time they have adapted and evolved, being able to live and practice agriculture in places with low water availability, now populating the entire continent and having expanded to other islands and minor continents.


For much time the Gemingians have been restricted to the coastline of the major continent, where it is believed they have come from. However, advances in technology enabled them to expand into the inner areas of Dalu.

Somewhere during that time, the scattered tribes have started interacting with each other and ended up unifying, creating a great empire. It is told that, under that empire, no Gemingian was neglected, and everyone lived in peace, for hundreds of years. However, the empire soon started to decay, after an corrupt emperor ascended to the throne, and the people started a revolution, though the participants had very distinct ideals.

Once said revolution ended, a new republic was created, and for a brief time the whole continent was united again, though it wasn't a very strong union as there were still many warlords who wouldn't completely obey the government and had autonomy over their territories. The government's authoritarian actions made a new group emerge who reignited the war. Some warlords took the side of the government, some joined the revolutionaries, and some preferred to stay neutral.

Ever since the fall of the empire, the only time all Gemingians have ever been truly united was to fight against the Meteo attack, and once it ended, the war quickly resumed and is currently unresolved.
